Supported Independent Living (SIL) explained

One of the best things about receiving NDIS funding is that it can be used to help you become more independent. For example, you can access services to help you to move out of home and live a more independent lifestyle. Funding categories like Supported Independent Living (SIL) are a vital part of making this sort of independence possible, but it can be tricky to understand exactly what it is, or how you can include it in your NDIS plan. Read this article for a detailed explanation on SIL, to see if it’s the right choice for your needs.


What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) refers to funded supports which help someone with a disability to live more independently. These supports can include assistance with daily tasks like meal preparation and personal care, and aim to make it possible for people to move out of home and live more independently. SIL is most suitable for people with higher support needs who require assistance at home most of the time. NDIS funding can cover SIL supports and can cater for people living in shared accommodation with other NDIS participants, as well as those living on their own.


What services are included?

SIL supports will differ for each person, as they’re designed to fit your individual needs. However, supported living services usually help participants with everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, and shopping. They can also include assistance with accessing community activities, managing appointments, and organising a plan for reaching your goals.


How does payment work?

SIL funding pays for support staff to provide daily assistance in supported living accommodation. The amount of funding you receive will be determined by the level of support you require. SIL funding doesn’t cover rent, transport, groceries, or other living costs.


Are you eligible for SIL?

SIL is designed for people with disability who require 24-hour support while living in shared SIL accommodation, however it can also be used in your own home or private rental. The main criteria is that you must have high support needs and require regular assistance in order to live independently. If you need significant person-to-person support from a disability support worker, then SIL may be the right choice for you. However, every person’s eligibility is determined individually, as the NDIA reviews each case and decides whether the support is ‘reasonable and necessary’.


How to get SIL services in your plan

If you already have NDIS funding or are organising your first NDIS plan, then you can apply for SIL supports just like any other service. When you have your NDIS planning meeting, you will need to bring evidence to demonstrate why you require SIL services. It’s important to prepare thoroughly for your NDIS planning meeting.


Finding a SIL provider

Once you get SIL in your NDIS plan, then one of your next steps is to find a SIL provider. There are various disability service providers who offer Supported Independent Living (SIL) in Perth and your NDIS planner or support coordinator can help you choose the right one.

Activ understands that moving out of home and finding your own place is a key factor in independence, so we offer a range of disability accommodation options. Our SIL services include shared accommodation, where residents live in shared housing with 24-hour support, and independent living options, where you can live in your own house and have support workers drop in.

We’re a registered NDIS provider, and all of our support staff have police clearances and have received training to enable you to live more independently. If you’re still a bit unsure about what SIL is, and don’t know whether you’re eligible, simply get in touch and we’ll explain! You can also click here to find out more about our Supported Independent Living services.