Leaders in the making!

Congratulations to Activ Supported Employees Michelle Smith and Melanie Freidrich on being accepted into Leadership WA’s LeadAbility program!

LeadAbility is a leadership course for people living with disability and those working in the disability sector.  The program equips participants with the skills to become more influential, confident, and effective leaders.

Michelle and Melanie submitted a detailed application and attended an interview to secure their spots.

Melanie, who recently started the course, is eager to learn valuable leadership skills and improve her communication abilities.

“I hope to learn how to communicate in a better way, where previously I have gotten stuck,” she shared. “I hope to also learn about myself and my own leadership style.”

Michelle is excited to start the program in September and unlock more of her leadership qualities.

“I am excited to travel to the city to learn leadership qualities that I can use in the community,” she said.

Alison Coburn, Activ’s Student Experience Manager, sees LeadAbility as a fantastic opportunity for Michelle and Melanie.

“This program will allow them to learn about leadership and explore their own leadership styles and preferences while contributing their knowledge and experiences to promote inclusivity through the group project.’

Activ is very proud of Michelle and Melanie for taking this initiative and embracing the chance to learn and grow!

Find out more about LeadAbility on the Leadership WA website.