BSB10120 Certificate I in Workplace Skills

Develop career and job ready skills, empowering you to enhance your personal learning, employment opportunities and gain confidence in the digital world with essential computer skills.

This course is designed for people wanting to enter the workforce and develop the necessary skills in preparation for employment.

Course Includes

Theory and practical activities for you to gain essential workplace skills, prioritise well-being and understand workplace health and safety (WHS) principles. We’ll also help you create a standout resume and excel in job interviews, opening doors to a job-ready future.

Includes six (6) units of competency:

• BSBOPS101 Use business resources
• BSBPEF101 Plan and prepare for work readiness
• MSMWHS100 Follow WHS procedures
• BSBTEC203 Research using the internet
• BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace
• AUMAFA001 Apply for jobs and undertake job interviews

Tuition fees range from $211.97 to $736.88, with an additional $100 resource fee. Funding eligibility conditions apply.

The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as resource fees and other fees.